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The Renaissance Era is the fourth era in Civilization VI. It is preceded by the Medieval Era and followed by the Industrial Era.


New powers call forth, from the barrel of muskets to flowers of fire in the sky. Even the quiet words on newly printed pages hold great changes within. The world, once so vast and mysterious, has grown smaller and more familiar. Yet, there are always questions to be answered, faiths to be tested, and national identities to be formed.

Game Info

When starting a game in the Renaissance Era, players receive two Settlers, two Scouts, one Crossbowman, 20 Faith Faith, 250 Gold Gold, and 5 Envoy Envoy Envoys. All cities founded after the Capital Capital Capital have 2 Citizen Population, a Monument, a Granary, and Ancient Walls, and players receive a Pikeman and a Builder in each city founded by one of their starting Settlers (and a Trader in the first one).


Cartography Cartography
Mass Production Mass Production
Banking Banking
Gunpowder Gunpowder
Printing Printing
Square Rigging Square Rigging
Astronomy Astronomy
Metal Casting Metal Casting
Siege Tactics Siege Tactics


Exploration Exploration
Humanism Humanism
Diplomatic Service Diplomatic Service
Reformed Church Reformed Church
Mercantilism Mercantilism
The Enlightenment The Enlightenment




Venetian Arsenal Venetian Arsenal
Great Zimbabwe Great Zimbabwe
Forbidden City Forbidden City
Potala Palace Potala Palace Taj Mahal Taj MahalR&F-Only


Fort Fort

R&F-Only Added in the Rise and Fall expansion pack.

Civilization VI [edit]
Rise and FallGathering StormNew Frontier PassLeader Pass
R&F-Only Added in the Rise and Fall expansion pack.
GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.