Civilization Wiki
Reyna (Financier) (Civ6)

Renewable Subsidizer is an additional title for Reyna the Financier.

Renewable Subsidizer is a Level 3 title for Reyna, a Governor in Civilization VI: Gathering Storm. It requires Tax Collector.


All Offshore Wind Farms, Solar Farms, Wind Farms, Geothermal Plants and Hydroelectric Dams in this city receive +2 Power Power and +2 Gold Gold.

Civilopedia entry[]

Economists have pointed out that the energy extracted from carbon-rich fuels fails to account for the future ecological damage of climate change, and if it were to do so, it would rapidly be priced out of a market-based energy economy. Since nobody wants to pay more for gas, coal, and oil, a political impetus towards creating economic subsidies for renewable resources to encourage their spread has grown in recent years. An increasing (but still tiny) percentage of energy now comes from renewable resources in the early 21st Century, based in part on subsidies.

Civilization VI Governors [edit]
Amani AffluenceEmissaryForeign Investor GS-OnlyLocal Informants GS-OnlyMessengerPrestigePromoterPuppeteer
Ibrahim GS-Only Capou AghaGrand VizierHead FalconerKhass-Oda-BashiPashaSerasker
Liang AmusementAquacultureGuildmasterInfrastructureParks and RecreationReinforced Materials GS-OnlyWater Works GS-OnlyZoning Commissioner
Magnus Black MarketeerGroundbreakerIndustrialistProvisionSurplus LogisticsVertical Integration
Moksha BishopCitadel of GodDivine ArchitectGrand InquisitorLaying On Of HandsPatron Saint
Pingala Arms Race ProponentConnoisseurCurator GS-OnlyGrantsLibrarianResearcherSpace Initiative
Reyna ContractorCuratorForeign ExchangeForestry Management GS-OnlyHarbormasterLand AcquisitionRenewable Subsidizer GS-OnlyTax Collector
Victor Air Defense InitiativeArms Race Proponent GS-OnlyDefense LogisticsEmbrasureGarrison CommanderRedoubtSecurity Expert
GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.