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Game Info[]

Advanced science building. Requires Public School.


The Research Laboratory is the top-tier science building, providing a final boost for researching the most sophisticated (and Science Science-intensive) technologies in the final eras. A city must already possess a Public School to construct a Research Laboratory. All players should build it at some point in the late game, but those pursuing a science victory should aim at acquiring it as soon as possible. As usual, build it first in your most scientific cities for an immediate boost in research capabilities, then gradually in the rest of your empire.

Civilopedia entry[]

A research lab is an institute devoted to the advanced study of a subject, which might be medicine, physics, chemistry, robotics, clean energy, or any other area of interest. Such labs may be publicly funded or funded by wealthy persons or corporations. Research labs may be attached to universities or they may be independent.

It is pretty clear that such labs are the future of research. As man's understanding of the world around him has advanced, the days of the dedicated scientist working alone in his or her basement and shouting "Eureka!" are all but passed. Research labs filled with dozens of talented people are now making the great breakthroughs.

See also[]

Civilization V Buildings [edit]
Airport BNW-onlyAmphitheater GodsKings5 clearAqueductArmoryArsenalBank (Hanse BNW-onlySatrap's Court) • Barracks (Ikanda BNW-onlyKrepost) • Bomb Shelter GodsKings5 clearBroadcast TowerCaravansary BNW-onlyCastle (Mughal Fort) • Cathedral GodsKings5 clearCircusColosseumConstabulary GodsKings5 clearCourthouseFactoryForgeGarden (Candi BNW-only) • GranaryHarborHospitalHotel BNW-onlyHydro PlantLibrary (Paper MakerRoyal Library BNW-only) • LighthouseMarket (Bazaar) • Medical LabMilitary AcademyMilitary BaseMintMonastery GodsKings5 clearMonument (Stele GodsKings5 clear) • Mosque GodsKings5 clearMuseumNuclear PlantObservatoryOpera House (Ceilidh Hall GodsKings5 clear) • Pagoda GodsKings5 clearPolice Station GodsKings5 clearPublic SchoolRecycling Center GodsKings5 clearResearch LabSeaportShrine GodsKings5 clear (Pyramid GodsKings5 clear) • Solar PlantSpaceship FactoryStable (Ducal Stable BNW-only) • StadiumStock ExchangeStone WorksSupermarket2Temple (Burial TombMud Pyramid Mosque) • TheatreUniversity (Wat) • Walls (Walls of Babylon1) • Water Mill (Floating Gardens) • Windmill (Coffee House GodsKings5 clear) • Workshop (Longhouse) • Zoo BNW-only
1 Requires a DLC2 Сut from the game
GodsKings5 clear Added in the Gods & Kings expansion pack.
BNW-only Added in the Brave New World expansion pack.