Civilization Wiki
Resistance (Civ4)

The city of New Sarai is in resistance for the next 7 turns.

Resistance Fist4, also known as revolt, is a state in which a city's inhabitants refuse to work. While resisting, the city produces no Food Bread (Civ4), Production Hammer (Civ4), Commerce Coin (Civ4), or any other products (including Science Beaker (Civ4), Culture Culture (Civ4), and Espionage Points Espionage (Civ4)). A city in resistance extends no Cultural borders Culture (Civ4). Finally, cities in resistance have no Defense Defense4 bonus from population or culture, though they do retain Defense4 from buildings (Walls, Castle, and Chichen Itza).

Cities have a chance to go into resistance when under serious Cultural pressure Culture (Civ4) by neighboring civilizations. The first time a city goes into resistance due to cultural pressure, it will eventually return to the owner's control after a number of turns. However, if it goes into resistance a second time, it will "flip" to the control of the dominant civilization.


A Great Artist's Great Work will immediately end resistance.

Spies may cause a city to go into resistance for a single turn. This may be used as an alternative to Bombarding a city with siege units.

See also[]
