Resistance , also known as revolt, is a state in which a city's inhabitants refuse to work. While resisting, the city produces no Food , Production , Commerce , or any other products (including Science , Culture , and Espionage Points ). A city in resistance extends no Cultural borders . Finally, cities in resistance have no Defense bonus from population or culture, though they do retain from buildings (Walls, Castle, and Chichen Itza).
Cities have a chance to go into resistance when under serious Cultural pressure by neighboring civilizations. The first time a city goes into resistance due to cultural pressure, it will eventually return to the owner's control after a number of turns. However, if it goes into resistance a second time, it will "flip" to the control of the dominant civilization.
A Great Artist's Great Work will immediately end resistance.
Spies may cause a city to go into resistance for a single turn. This may be used as an alternative to Bombarding a city with siege units.
See also[]
- Resistance in other games