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Reyna, otherwise known as The Financier, is one of the Governors introduced in Civilization VI: Rise and Fall. Her main expertise is increasing Gold Gold income for the city, as well as promoting Tourism Tourism in Rise and Fall and generating clean Power Power in Gathering Storm.


Rise and Fall[]

Tier Promotion Effect Required Promotion
Default Land Acquisition Acquire new tiles in the city faster. -
I Harbormaster Double adjacency bonuses from Commercial Hubs and Harbors in the city. -
I Foreign Exchange +3 Gold Gold per turn from each foreign Trade Route Trade Route passing through the city. -
II Tax Collector +2 Gold Gold per turn for each Citizen Citizen in the city. Harbormaster or Foreign Exchange
III Contractor Allows city to purchase District Districts with Gold Gold. Tax Collector
III Curator Doubles Tourism Tourism from Great Works of Art, Music, and Writing in the city. Tax Collector

Gathering Storm[]

Tier Promotion Effect Required Promotion
Default Land Acquisition Acquire new tiles in the city faster. +3 Gold Gold per turn from each foreign Trade Route Trade Route passing through the city. -
I Harbormaster Double adjacency bonuses from Commercial Hubs and Harbors in the city. -
I Forestry Management This city receives +2 Gold Gold for each unimproved feature. Tiles adjacent to unimproved features receive +1 Appeal in this city. -
II Tax Collector +2 Gold Gold per turn for each Citizen Citizen in the city. Harbormaster or Forestry Management
III Contractor Allows city to purchase District Districts with Gold Gold. Tax Collector
III Renewable Subsidizer All Offshore Wind Farms, Solar Farms, Wind Farms, Geothermal Plants and Hydroelectric Dams in this city receive +2 Power Power and +2 Gold Gold. Tax Collector


Shrewd and fiscally knowledgeable, Reyna is able to strengthen the economic power of a city, using finances to provide more than is normally possible.

Reyna is a flexible Governor with a starting title that is useful for any new city for any civilization (and later on, the Contractor promotion allows new cities to quickly buy District Districts). However, her promotions are geared towards trade (particularly maritime) and Culture Culture-oriented civilizations, such as the Netherlands and England. Reyna's Tax Collector promotion, however, suggests that the city she establishes herself in should have a high population, pushing the player to have only Commercial Hubs and Harbors for districts, if any at all, the remainder of that city's tiles being filled with Farms. Finally, it is important to note that her Curator promotion does not include Tourism Tourism from Relic Relics, especially if you are playing as Poland.

With Gathering Storm, Reyna receives more climate-oriented promotions. Her Foreign Exchange promotion's effects are instead unlocked upon appointment, and Forestry Management takes its place. This new promotion is very valuable to civilizations pursuing a Culture Victory, adding Gold Gold yield to unimproved features like forests and Appeal to tiles adjacent to unimproved features (even unlikely features like Ice and Impact Zone get a bonus Appeal), allowing National Parks and Seaside Resorts to be placed on more tiles and provide Gold Gold. She also has her Curator promotion given to Pingala, the Educator, which is replaced with Renewable Subsidizer, making green energy sources more valuable by increasing their Power Power and Gold Gold output.

Civilopedia entry[]

A financier is an official tasked with resolving budgetary and financial matters, requiring an astute understanding of economics and the psychology of markets. Playing with the money of the state is not a matter for the faint-hearted.


Related achievements[]

Taxation Without Representation
Taxation Without Representation
As England, lose a city to disloyalty which has an established Financier Governor
A reference to the famous anti-British slogan used by the colonists prior to the events of the American Revolution.
Civilization VI Governors [edit]
Amani AffluenceEmissaryForeign Investor GS-OnlyLocal Informants GS-OnlyMessengerPrestigePromoterPuppeteer
Ibrahim GS-Only Capou AghaGrand VizierHead FalconerKhass-Oda-BashiPashaSerasker
Liang AmusementAquacultureGuildmasterInfrastructureParks and RecreationReinforced Materials GS-OnlyWater Works GS-OnlyZoning Commissioner
Magnus Black MarketeerGroundbreakerIndustrialistProvisionSurplus LogisticsVertical Integration
Moksha BishopCitadel of GodDivine ArchitectGrand InquisitorLaying On Of HandsPatron Saint
Pingala Arms Race ProponentConnoisseurCurator GS-OnlyGrantsLibrarianResearcherSpace Initiative
Reyna ContractorCuratorForeign ExchangeForestry Management GS-OnlyHarbormasterLand AcquisitionRenewable Subsidizer GS-OnlyTax Collector
Victor Air Defense InitiativeArms Race Proponent GS-OnlyDefense LogisticsEmbrasureGarrison CommanderRedoubtSecurity Expert

GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.
