Civilization Wiki

Rising Hunger is the Level 1 title for the Sanguine Pact, a Secret Society exclusive to the Secret Societies game mode in Civilization VI. It is unlocked in the Medieval Era.


Grants a Vampire unit in your Capital Capital, and allows your Vampires to construct Vampire Castles (maximum two per empire).

Civilopedia entry[]

At sunset, the doors of your palace open, and a laughing throng spills into the streets. The Pact move around you, their shapes casting no shadows and making no sound as they go. A listlessness descends upon the city, at least during the day. At night, the citizens close their shutters and - above all - do not look out.

Civilization VI Secret Societies [edit]
Titles Special Unlocks
Hermetic Order NeophyteAdeptMagusAiwass Alchemical SocietyLey LineOccult Research
Owls of Minerva InitiationRitualIndoctrinationMaster Plan Gilded Vault
Sanguine Pact TasteRising HungerVoivodeEndless Night VampireVampire Castle
Voidsingers MelodyChorusCanticleSymphony CultistDark SummoningOld God ObeliskRelic of the Void