Civilization Wiki

Ritual is the Level 1 title for the Owls of Minerva, a Secret Society exclusive to the Secret Societies game mode in Civilization VI. It is unlocked in the Medieval Era.


Allows you to construct the Gilded Vault building, a powerful replacement of the Bank.

Civilopedia entry[]

You have studied and passed the Trial of the Seven Scourges. So much more is clear to you now - when your rival's economy collapses, that is the work of the Owls. When a peace meeting dissolves in scandal and recrimination, that is the work of the Owls. You feel like you see only a fraction of what is done, but that fraction is immense.

Civilization VI Secret Societies [edit]
Titles Special Unlocks
Hermetic Order NeophyteAdeptMagusAiwass Alchemical SocietyLey LineOccult Research
Owls of Minerva InitiationRitualIndoctrinationMaster Plan Gilded Vault
Sanguine Pact TasteRising HungerVoivodeEndless Night VampireVampire Castle
Voidsingers MelodyChorusCanticleSymphony CultistDark SummoningOld God ObeliskRelic of the Void