Civilization Wiki

Effects of Social Engineering.


Economy represents the raw strength of your society's economy. Increasing this value will increase your Energy flow.

  • -3, -2 energy each base
  • -2, -1 energy each base
  • -1, -1 energy at HQ base
  • 0, Standard energy rates
  • 1, +1 energy each base
  • 2, +1 energy each square!
  • 3, +1 energy each square; +1 commerce rating!!
  • 4, +1 energy/sq; +2 energy/base; +2 commerce!!!
  • 5, +1 energy/sq; +4 energy/base; +3 commerce!!!!


Efficiency represents your society's ability to function without waste and mismanagement. If this value falls too low, your bases will begin to lose energy to inefficiency.

  • -3, Murderous inefficiency
  • -2, Appalling inefficiency
  • -1, Gross inefficiency
  • 0, High inefficiency
  • 1, Reasonable efficiency
  • 2, Commendable efficiency
  • 3, Exemplary efficiency!


Support affects the support costs of military units. the lower your score here, the more of your units you'll have to expend minerals to support.

  • -4, Each unit costs 2 to support; no free minerals for new base.
  • -3, Each unit costs 1 to support; no free minerals for new base.
  • -2, Support 1 unit free per base; no free minerals for new base.
  • -1, Support 1 unit free per base
  • 0, Support 2 units free per base
  • 1, Support 3 units free per base
  • 2, Support 4 units free per base!
  • 3, Support 4 units OR up to base size for free!!


Morale affects the training and determination of your military. A higher score here translates directly into morale upgrades for your units.

  • -4, -3 Morale; + modifiers halved
  • -3, -2 Morale; + modifiers halved
  • -2, -1 Morale; + modifiers halved
  • -1, -1 Morale
  • 0, Normal Morale
  • 1, +1 Morale
  • 2, +1 Morale (+2 on defense)
  • 3, +2 Morale! (+3 on defense)
  • 4, +3 Morale!!


Police represents your society's tolerance for police control and restrictions on personal freedom. A high score allows you to use military units as police to suppress drone riots. A low score will cause increasing tension when military units are away from home.

  • -5, Two extra drones for each military unit away from territory
  • -4, Extra drone for each military unit away from territory
  • -3, Extra drone if more than one military unit away from territory
  • -2, Cannot use military units as police. No nerve stapling.
  • -1, One police unit allowed. No nerve stapling.
  • 0, Can use one military unit as police
  • 1, Can use up to 2 military units as police
  • 2, Can use up to 3 military units as police!
  • 3, 3 units as police. Police effect doubled!!


Growth affects your population growth rate. The higher your score, the fewer nutrients your bases will need to grow.

  • -3, Near-Zero Population Growth
  • -2, -20% growth rate
  • -1, -10% growth rate
  • 0, Normal growth rate
  • 1, +10% growth rate
  • 2, +20% growth rate
  • 3, +30% growth rate
  • 4, +40% growth rate
  • 5, +50% growth rate!
  • 6, Population Boom!!


Planet represents your society's sensitivity to the ecology of Planet. A low score indicates that ecological damage will occur more quickly. A high score allows you to capture native life such as Mind Worms.

  • -3, Wanton ecological disruption; -3 Fungus production
  • -2, Rampant ecological disruption; -2 Fungus production
  • -1, Increased ecological disruption; -1 Fungus production
  • 0, Normal ecological tension
  • 1, Ecological safeguards!; Can capture native life forms
  • 2, Ecological harmony!; Increased chance of native life form capture!
  • 3, Ecological wisdom!!; Maximum chance of native life form capture!!

The PLANET rating also affects combat: the modifier is equal to PLANET rating * 10%.


Probe affects your vulnerability (or strength) on security issues. A high score will help prevent enemy probe team attacks.

  • -2, -50% cost of enemy probe team actions; enemy success rate increased
  • -1, -25% cost of enemy probe team actions; enemy success rate increased
  • 0, Normal security measures
  • 1, +1 probe team morale; +50% cost of enemy probe team actions
  • 2, +2 probe team morale; Doubles cost of enemy probe team actions!
  • 3, +3 probe team morale; Bases and units cannot be subverted by standard Probe Teams!!


Industry represents your manufacturing strength. A high score reduces the number of Minerals required to build units and facilities.

  • -3, Mineral costs increased by 30%
  • -2, Mineral costs increased by 20%
  • -1, Mineral costs increased by 10%
  • 0, Normal production rate
  • 1, Mineral costs decreased by 10%
  • 2, Mineral costs decreased by 20%
  • 3, Mineral costs decreased by 30%!
  • 4, Mineral costs decreased by 40%!!
  • 5, Mineral costs decreased by 50%!!!


Research affects your technological progress. A higher score will increase the rate at which you make breakthroughs.

  • -5, Labs research slowed by 50%
  • -4, Labs research slowed by 40%
  • -3, Labs research slowed by 30%
  • -2, Labs research slowed by 20%
  • -1, Labs research slowed by 10%
  • 0, Normal research rate
  • 1, Labs research speeded by 10%
  • 2, Labs research speeded by 20%
  • 3, Labs research speeded by 30%
  • 4, Labs research speeded by 40%
  • 5, Labs research speeded by 50%