Colonel Corazón Santiago | |
Commander of the Spartans | |
Name | Corazón Santiago |
Rank | Lieutenant |
Position | Security |
Country of Origin | Puerto Rico |
DOB | 11-05-2026 |
Height | 171.8 cm |
Weight | 56.8 kg |
The Spartan Federation is a faction in Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. It is a militaristic faction led by Colonel Corazón Santiago.
Faction characteristics[]
- +2 Morale (well armed survivalist movement)
- +1 Police (highly disciplined followers)
- -1 Industry (extravagant weapons are costly)
- Aggression Erratic
- Priorities Discover, Conquer
- Starting Tech Doctrine: Mobility
- Agendas Power (Value)
- Aversion Wealth (Value)
- Special bonuses Prototype units do not cost extra minerals
Although Santiago is not herself restricted from choosing Knowledge values, an AI-controlled Santiago will take offense at a player's choice of such.
Leader's defining quote[]
"Superior training and superior weaponry have, when taken together, a geometric effect on overall military strength. Well-trained, well-equipped troops can stand up to many more times their lesser brethren than linear arithmetic would seem to indicate."
-- Col. Corazon Santiago, "Spartan Battle Manual"
- Planet: A Survivalist's Guide
- Spartan Battle Manual
- Leadership And The Sea
List of bases[]
- Sparta Command
- Survival Base
- Commander’s Keep
- War Outpost
- Militia Station
- Fort Legion
- Janissary Rock
- Blast Rifle Crag
- Hawk of Chiron
- Assassin’s Redoubt
- Centurion Cave
- Bunker 118
- Hommel’s Citadel
- Training Camp
- Defiance Freehold
- Hero’s Waypoint
- Fort Liberty
- Ironholm
- Fort Survivalist
- Fort Superiority
- Halls of Discipline
- Parade Ground
- Citadel Station
- Freedom Base
- Libertyville
- Counsel of Centurions
- Fort Standfast
- Bordermarch Redoubt
- Constant Vigilance
- Impact Shelter
- Blood and Iron
- Solid Domain
- Liberty Rock
- Fleet Anchorage
- Admiralty Base
- Hydrodock
- Fleet Base
- Sea Outpost
- The leader of the Spartan Federation is voiced by Wanda Niño.
Alpha Centauri Factions |
Cult of PlanetX • Cybernetic ConsciousnessX • Data AngelsX • FiraxiansX • Free DronesX • Gaia's Stepdaughters • Human Hive • Lord's Believers • Manifold CaretakersX • Manifold UsurpersX • Morgan Industries • Nautilus PiratesX • Peacekeeping Forces • Spartan Federation • University of Planet |
X Added in Alien Crossfire |