Civilization Wiki

Speed is a game setting in Civilization IV that modifies the general costs and "scales" of all actions in the game, including the number of turns. It is represented as "Game Speed" on the Game Setup menu.

Generally speaking, Quick games have all their turn costs and research times 66% of their normal value (everything is a third faster), Normal games have 100% of their normal value, Epic games have everything at 150% their normal value (takes one and a half as long), and Marathon games are 300% their normal value (it takes 3 times as long). There are some minor exceptions. In practice, slower game modes mean: cities grow much more slowly, build times are much slower, and Workers will take much longer to build tile improvements, but units retain their normal movement speed.

Total Game Turns[]

In vanilla Civilization IV and Warlords, there are fewer turns because the game cannot support a turn interval of less than a year. This was fixed in Beyond the Sword.

  • Quick: 330 turns (320 in vanilla)
  • Normal: 500 turns (460 in vanilla)
  • Epic: 750 turns (660 in vanilla)
  • Marathon: 1500 turns (1200 in vanilla)

Turns and year[]

The year progresses in 6 to 8 iterations. When starting in the Ancient Era the game starts in 4000 BC and ends in 2050 AD. Below is a table showing the iterations of year progression at different game speeds.

Vanilla and Warlords[]

Iteration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Years per turn 60 35 30 15 10 5 2 1
Turns 50 30 30 25 30 55 50 50
Years span 3000 1050 900 375 300 275 100 50
Start year 4000 BC 1000 BC 50 AD 950 AD 1325 AD 1625 AD 1900 AD 2000 AD
End year 1000 BC 50 AD 950 AD 1325 AD 1625 AD 1900 AD 2000 AD 2050 AD


Years per turn 40 25 20 10 5 2 1
Turns 75 60 25 50 60 60 130
Years span 3000 1500 500 500 300 120 130
Start year 4000 BC 1000 BC 500 AD 1000 AD 1500 AD 1800 AD 1920 AD
End year 1000 BC 500 AD 1000 AD 1500 AD 1800 AD 1920 AD 2050 AD


Years per turn 30 15 6 3 2 1
Turns 100 140 70 70 40 240
Years span 3000 2100 420 210 80 240
Start year 4000 BC 1000 BC 1100 AD 1520 AD 1730 AD 1810 AD
End year 1000 BC 1100 AD 1520 AD 1730 AD 1810 AD 2050 AD


Years per turn 15 10 8 5 2 1
Turns 200 150 40 90 60 660
Years span 3000 1500 320 450 120 660
Start year 4000 BC 1000 BC 500 AD 820 AD 1270 AD 1390 AD
End year 1000 BC 500 AD 820 AD 1270 AD 1390 AD 2050 AD

Beyond the Sword[]

Iteration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Years per turn 60 40 30 20 10 5 2 1
Turns 50 30 20 30 25 40 65 70
Years span 3000 1200 600 600 250 200 130 70
Start year 4000 BC 1000 BC 200 AD 800 AD 1400 AD 1650 AD 1850 AD 1980 AD
End year 1000 BC 200 AD 800 AD 1400 AD 1650 AD 1850 AD 1980 AD 2050 AD


Years per turn 40 25 20 10 5 2 1 1/2
Turns 75 60 25 50 60 50 120 60
Years span 3000 1500 500 500 300 100 120 30
Start year 4000 BC 1000 BC 500 AD 1000 AD 1500 AD 1800 AD 1900 AD 2020 AD
End year 1000 BC 500 AD 1000 AD 1500 AD 1800 AD 1900 AD 2020 AD 2050 AD


Years per turn 25 15 10 5 2 1 1/2
Turns 140 90 40 90 70 100 220
Years span 3500 1350 400 450 140 100 110
Start year 4000 BC 500 BC 850 AD 1250 AD 1700 AD 1840 AD 1940 AD
End year 500 BC 850 AD 1250 AD 1700 AD 1840 AD 1940 AD 2050 AD


Years per turn 15 10 5 2 1 1/2 1/4 1/12
Turns 100 300 170 201 129 180 264 156
Years span 1500 3000 850 402 129 90 66 13
Start year 4000 BC 2500 BC 500 AD 1350 AD 1752 AD 1881 AD 1971 AD 2037 AD
End year 2500 BC 500 AD 1350 AD 1752 AD 1881 AD 1971 AD 2037 AD 2050 AD

Building Costs[]

  • Quick: 67% normal hammer costs
  • Normal: 100% normal hammer costs
  • Epic: 150% normal hammer costs
  • Marathon: 300% normal hammer costs

Tech Costs[]

  • Quick: 67% normal tech cost
  • Normal: 100% normal tech cost
  • Epic: 150% normal tech cost
  • Marathon: 300% normal tech cost

Unit Costs[]

  • Quick: 67% normal hammer costs
  • Normal: 100% normal hammer costs
  • Epic: 150% normal hammer costs
  • Marathon: 240% normal hammer costs

Culture Requirements[]

  • Quick: 50% Culture requirements
  • Normal: 100% Culture requirements
  • Epic: 150% Culture requirements
  • Marathon: 300% Culture requirements

Wood Chops and Whips[]

All chops and whips are multiplied in line with the factors above. A woodchop will provide 3x as much wood on Marathon as it does normally.

See also[]
