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The Stock Exchange is an advanced economic building in Civilization VI. It is built in the Commercial Hub district and requires a Bank (or one of its replacements).

Vanilla and Rise and Fall[]

Gathering Storm[]

In the Monopolies and Corporations game mode, the Stock Exchange can store 3 Create New Product (Civ6) Corporation products.


The Stock Exchange is a high-level building that boosts a city's Gold Gold output. In practice, it pales in comparison to most Tier 3 buildings, all of which require (and compete for) Power Power. It especially suffers when compared to the Seaport, which can also provide a large Gold Gold boost while simultaneously increasing Food Food, Housing Housing, and military capability without requiring any Power Power. The +11 Gold Gold for a powered Stock Exchange is often less than the Gold Gold available from running Commercial Hub Investment projects in large cities.

That being said, the Stock Exchange is cheaper to construct than most Tier 3 buildings, and can be boosted significantly by certain civilizations and in certain situations. In Gathering Storm, for instance, the English civilization ability gives an additional +4 to powered Stock Exchanges. For culturally-inclined civilizations, it can be used with the Laissez-Faire policy card to get important Great Merchants like Melitta Bentz and Sarah Breedlove that increase Tourism Tourism significantly. More importantly, with the Ethiopia Pack, you can more than double the amount of Gold Gold produced by this building by having at least 6 Envoy Envoys at multiple Trade City-States, which makes this a very worthwhile investment and doesn't require Suzerainty.

In the Monopolies and Corporations game mode, Stock Exchanges gain much more prominence: they are the only way for landlocked cities to store Create New Product (Civ6) Products, which can provide very strong boosts to both Tourism Tourism and city yields.

Building three Stock Exchanges triggers the Inspiration Inspiration for Capitalism.

Civilopedia entry[]

Stock exchanges exist for people who like to gamble in a refined fashion, speculating on the rise and fall of the value of “stock” – shares of ownership in “publically traded” companies. With advice from stock brokers, who always get a fee, anyone can wheel and deal in stocks, bonds, or other securities. The practice has its genesis in the creation of tradable bonds by Italian banks in the Renaissance, a creditor stake in a company or enterprise (such as a trading voyage). The Dutch East Indies Company, formed in 1602 AD, was the first corporation to put up shares for sale, offering delayed dividends (a portion of its annual profits) for speculative investment by anyone who could afford to buy. All those new middle class folk couldn’t resist, and soon enough other companies were doing the same. In time, an Englishman of dubious repute named John Castaing, operating from Jonathan’s Coffee House, began posting a regular list of stock and commodity prices and serving as a broker in these for a fee; this marks the beginning of the London Stock Exchange. The practice, despite the South Seas Bubble and the Tulip Mania and all the other scams and scandals, has been around ever since.

See also[]

Civilization VI Buildings [edit]
City Center Buildings PalaceGranaryMonument (Old God Obelisk3) • Water Mill (Palgum1) • Ancient WallsMedieval WallsRenaissance Walls (Tsikhe R&F-Only) • SewerFlood Barrier GS-OnlyFortress2Headquarters2Nilometer2
Campus Buildings LibraryUniversity (Alchemical Society3MadrasaNavigation School1) • Research Lab
Theater Square Buildings Amphitheater (Marae GS-Only) • Archaeological MuseumArt MuseumBroadcast Center (Film Studio)
Holy Site Buildings Shrine (Gifts of the Nile Shrine2) • Temple (Prasat1Stave Church) • CathedralDar-e MehrGurdwaraMeeting HouseMosquePagodaStupaSynagogueWatObelisk2Temple to Amun2Orthodox Church2
Encampment Buildings Barracks (Basilikoi Paides1) • Stable (Ordu R&F-Only) • ArmoryMilitary Academy
Commercial Hub Buildings Market (Sukiennice1) • Bank (Gilded Vault3Grand Bazaar GS-Only) • Stock ExchangeGuildhall2
Harbor Buildings LighthouseShipyardSeaport
Industrial Zone Buildings WorkshopFactory (Electronics Factory) • Power PlantCoal Power Plant GS-OnlyOil Power Plant GS-OnlyNuclear Power Plant GS-Only
Preserve1 Buildings Grove1Sanctuary1
Entertainment Complex Buildings Arena (Tlachtli) • Zoo (Thermal Bath GS-Only) • Stadium
Water Park R&F-Only Buildings Ferris Wheel R&F-OnlyAquarium R&F-OnlyAquatics Center R&F-Only
Neighborhood Buildings Food Market R&F-OnlyShopping Mall R&F-Only
Dam GS-Only Building Hydroelectric Dam GS-Only
Aerodrome Buildings HangarAirport
Government Plaza R&F-Only Buildings Ancestral Hall R&F-OnlyAudience Chamber R&F-OnlyWarlord's Throne R&F-OnlyForeign Ministry R&F-OnlyGrand Master's Chapel R&F-OnlyIntelligence Agency R&F-OnlyQueen's Bibliotheque GS-OnlyNational History Museum R&F-OnlyRoyal Society R&F-OnlyWar Department R&F-Only
Diplomatic Quarter1 Buildings Consulate1Chancery1
Walled Quarter2 Buildings Keep2Mass Grave2Plague Hospital2
1 Requires DLC2 Specific scenarios only • 3 Secret Societies mode only
R&F-Only Added in the Rise and Fall expansion pack.
GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.