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The Submarine is a unit in Civilization: Call to Power.


The Submarine is the wolf of the seas, lurking below the surface in wait to attack the weak, the lame, or any other vessel unlucky enough to cross its path. This formidable attacker has a strong bite, but cannot withstand a strong attack. Combined with its maximum cargo of two Nukes, the Submarine is the terror of the seas.

Great Library entry[]

The first submarines operated as little more than manned torpedoes. By the 1900s however, European and American companies developed a number of improved submarine designs. Powered by electric or oil engines, these craft lacked the speed needed to hunt surface vessels. But in 1912 the Krupp firm introduced a diesel engine to its design, creating the dreaded German U-boat of WWI. Subsequent designs added larger engines and even later, nuclear power.

See also[]

Civilization: Call to Power Units
Abolitionist Aircraft Carrier Archer Artillery Battleship Bomber Cannon Caravan Cargo Pod Cavalry Cleric Corporate Branch Crawler Cyber Ninja Destroyer Diplomat Eco Ranger Ecoterrorist Fascist Fighter Fire Trireme Fusion Tank Infector Interceptor Knight Lawyer Legion Leviathan Longship Machine Gunner Marine Mobile SAM Mounted Archer Musketeer Nuke Paratrooper Phalanx Phantom Pikeman Plasma Destroyer Plasmatica Samurai Sea Engineer Settler Ship of the Line Slaver Space Bomber Space Engineer Space Fighter Space Plane Spy Spy Plane Star Cruiser Stealth Bomber Stealth Sub Storm Marine Submarine Subneural Ad Swarm Tank Televangelist Trireme Troop Ship War Walker Warrior Wormhole Probe