Civilization Wiki

This page is way too negative[]

This statement is false, "However, once Swordsmen are unlocked, there is no way Hoplites can compete with them."

Every unit has this "weakness"[]

"It is still weak against melee, gets out-ranged by ranged and outmaneuvered by cavalry units". Almost every infantry unit has this and their unique unit counterparts also don't make up for this weakness.

Hoplites are OP as hell, and the strategy section shouldn't make them out to be bad.[]

Just comparing them to swordsmen, they cost about 38% less production and 1 less upkeep, but have functionally 38 CS compared to swordsmen's 35. Sure, swordsmen get a +5 advantage versus them, but that only takes them to a 2 CS advantage, which equates to roughly a 15-20% advantage in combat. This makes them a much better choice than swordsmen on an economic basis since you can field a force of them much quicker and cheaper than swordsmen.

And, to be clear, all of this ignores that Hoplites come an era earlier and don't require iron. Both of those are pretty major upsides to Hoplites as well. In practice, it is extremely easy to roll over an enemy civ with hoplites before they can really do anything, so the strategy section should really be more along the lines of "are Hoplites the singular most OP unit in the game, or does something else edge them out?" rather than garbage about them being bad.