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The Temple is an advanced religious building in Civilization VI. It is built in the Holy Site district and requires a Shrine (or one of its replacements).


A Temple is requisite for anyone who is serious about developing their Religion. Not only does it allow the purchase of more advanced religious units, but it is also necessary to build the special worship buildings in this Holy Site, which boost religious endeavors considerably.

And, of course, it provides nice overall bonuses, including an additional slot for Relic Relics! From now on, you should grant your Apostles the Martyr Promotion as frequently as you can, so that you can fill in these Relic Relic slots and get their awesome boosts in Faith Faith and Tourism Tourism.

In Rise and Fall, each religious city-state with 6 or more Envoy Envoy Envoys gives an additional +2 Faith Faith in each Temple.

Civilopedia entry

A temple is that structure reserved for spiritual activities – prayer, communion, sacrifice, and the like – devoted to a deity. Virtually every organized religion has temples of some sort; unlike shrines, these are planned piety, the power of God made manifest. Temples are also business concerns, what with all the tithes and donations, and so serve to feed, clothe, and support the priests, acolytes, vestal virgins, monks, rabbis, etc. The oldest known temples, found in Mesopotamia, date from the 10th Century BC and are simple affairs. But over time temples became ever more elaborate and magnificent, and had a significant impact on civilization – such as the Temple of Karnak in Thebes, the Parthenon in Athens, the Mahabodhi Temple in Bihar, or the Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake.
