Civilization Wiki

The Agency is a wonder in Civilization: Call to Power. It becomes obsolete with Alien Archaeology.


The Agency gives a Civilization protection from infiltration by enemy operatives through a world-wide network of paid informants and electronic surveillance. This Wonder has the equivalent effect of a Spy defending each of the Civilization's cities.

Great Library entry[]

Intelligence agencies such as the FBI developed as mechanized warfare opened new avenues of devastating surprise attack. As soon as communications and technology provided the means and opportunity for massive sneak attacks and covert transmissions, The Agency became a critical component of national defense.



The Agency Call to Power

See also[]

Civilization: Call to Power Wonders

The AgencyAI EntityChichen ItzaConfucius AcademyContraceptionDinosaur ParkEast India CompanyThe Eden ProjectEdison's LabEgalitarian ActEmancipation ActESP CenterForbidden CityGaia ControllerGalileo's TelescopeGenome ProjectGlobal E-BankGlobeSatGutenberg's BibleHagia SophiaHollywoodImmunity ChipInternetLabyrinthLondon ExchangeNanite DefuserNanopediaNational ShieldPhilosopher's StoneRamayanaSensoriumSphinxStar LadderStonehengeWormhole Sensor
