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The Tjaty is a unique civilian unit of the Egyptian civilization in Civilization VII.

Unique Visier/architect Unit. Can only be built in cities with a Necropolis, and the specific Tjaty received is random. Each Tjaty can only be received once. Cost increases per Tjaty built.

Possible Tjaty Units:

  • Amhose: Activated on the Palace to add Culture Culture to the building.
  • Aperel: Grants Chariot Units with increased Combat Strength.
  • Hemiunu: Activated on a Wonder under construction to add a medium amount of Production Production.
  • Imhotep: Activated on a Wonder under construction to add a larger amount of Production Production.
  • Khay: Grants Medjay Units that have increased Combat Strength.
  • Nebet: Activated on a Necropolis to immediately trigger a Celebration.
  • Paser: Activated on a Wonder under Construction to add a smaller amount of Production Production.
  • Ptahhotep: Activated on a Constructible with a Great Work Slot to grant a Codex called 'The Maxims of Ptahhotep' that grants increased Science Science.
  • Ramose: Activated on a Wonder to add Gold Gold to it.
  • Useramen: Activated on a Wonder to add Culture Culture to it.



Civilopedia entry[]

Tjaty (Civ7)/Civilopedia

