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Volcanic Eruption (Civ6)

Volcanic eruption icon

A volcanic eruption is a natural disaster in Civilization VI: Gathering Storm that can occur from a Volcano tile and affect surrounding tiles.


An active Volcano may cause a devastating eruption, which is one of the types of natural disasters. Compared to other disasters, this is maybe the most devastating. It will affect all tiles surrounding the Volcano (or, on Disaster Intensity settings 3 and 4, those up to 2 hexes away from it), and besides the usual disaster damage, the eruption may remove features and even bonus resources. Affected tiles will then acquire the Volcanic Soil feature, which receives more potent yields from future eruptions and also yields which aren't available from other disaster types, like Science Science and Culture Culture.

Volcanic eruptions are the only type of disaster unaffected by climate change.

Since both Volcanic Soil and Floodplains are terrain features, eruptions will not remove Floodplains as this would "break" Rivers. These tiles will not gain Volcanic Soil, but may still be fertilized and pillaged.

Note that you cannot prevent Citizen Population loss by not working the tiles near a Volcano because eruption events do not check whether the affected tiles are worked or not. While Liang's Reinforced Materials title will protect a city's districts and improvements, it will not prevent Citizen Population loss or removal of features and resources.

Volcanic eruptions can be summoned by a Soothsayer standing next to an active Volcano in the Apocalypse game mode. Summoned volcanic eruptions do not provide extra yields.

Eruption effects[]

Below is a table of the different damage types that each level of eruption causes. The numbers are the percentage chances each damage may occur. While eruptions may damage or destroy improvements, districts, buildings, Citizen Citizens, units, and Walls, they do not affect wonders.

Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Vesuvius, and Eyjafjallajökull are all natural wonders that count as Volcanoes which are always active. Mount Kilimanjaro erupts on two different severity levels (Gentle and Catastrophic), while Mount Vesuvius always erupts on Megacolossal level.

In general, Kilimanjaro gives low and less valued yields (most likely Food Food, or Food Food and Production Production only) while causing less damage, Vesuvius causes devastating damage but gives a lot of high-valued yields (high chance for Culture Culture, medium chance for Science Science, Production Production and Food Food), and Eyjafjallajökull does a moderate amount of both. Eyjafjallajökull and Vesuvius are the only Volcanoes which can confer a Science Science or Culture Culture bonus to the nearby tiles, either passively or through eruptions.

Eyjafjallajökull is both the only multiple-tile Volcano (with two tiles) and the Volcano that can affect the most nearby tiles (it has 8 tiles adjacent to it, and 14 in the ring two hexes away). It is usually surrounded only or mostly by Tundra or Snow, and as such provides useful Food Food to nearby tiles.

Severity Range Damages
Improvement District Building Population Civilians killed Units Garrison City Walls
Gentle 1 Pillaged: 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 0
Catastrophic 1 Pillaged: 100

Destroyed: 75

75 100 20 20 100% chance;

40-60 HP

100% chance;

40-60 HP

100% chance;

40-60 HP

Megacolossal 1 Pillaged: 100 Destroyed: 80 80 100 35 35 100% chance;

60-80 HP

100% chance;

60-80 HP

100% chance;

60-80 HP

2 Pillaged: 30 Destroyed: 30 30 30 30 30 30% chance;

60-80 HP

30% chance;

60-80 HP

30% chance;

60-80 HP

1 Pillaged: 100

Destroyed: 75

75 100 30 30 100% chance;

40-60 HP

100% chance;

40-60 HP

100% chance;

40-60 HP

1 Pillaged: 100

Destroyed: 80

80 100 40 40 100% chance;

60-80 HP

100% chance;

60-80 HP

100% chance;

60-80 HP

2 Pillaged: 40

Destroyed: 40

40 40 40 40 40% chance;

60-80 HP

40% chance;

60-80 HP

40% chance;

60-80 HP

1 Pillaged: 100 0 100 0 0 0 0 0
1 Pillaged: 100

Destroyed: 80

80 100 20 20 100% chance;

40-60 HP

100% chance;

40-60 HP

100% chance;

40-60 HP

2 Pillaged: 50

Destroyed: 50

50 50 50 50 50% chance;

40-60 HP

50% chance;

40-60 HP

50% chance;

40-60 HP

1 Pillaged: 100

Destroyed: 80

80 100 100 100 100% chance;

70-90 HP

100% chance;

70-90 HP

100% chance;

70-90 HP

2 Pillaged: 50

Destroyed: 50

50 50 50 50 50% chance;

70-90 HP

50% chance;

70-90 HP

50% chance;

70-90 HP

Compared to other disaster types, yields from eruptions are the best. Of course, this comes with higher devastation, as mentioned above. The table below shows the percentage chance of a tile to gain +1 of the given yield per eruption.

Volcano type Severity Food Food yield Production Production yield Science Science yield Culture Culture yield
Normal Volcano Gentle 35 15 0 0
Catastrophic 50 25 10 0
Megacolossal 75 35 15 0
Eyjafjallajökull Catastrophic 50 25 10 0
Megacolossal 75 35 15 0
Mount Kilimanjaro Gentle 50 25 0 0
Catastrophic 50 35 15 0
Mount Vesuvius Megacolossal 25 25 25 50

In-game disaster descriptions[]

Volcano type Severity Description
Normal Volcano Gentle People gaze skyward in concern, watching smoke rise from a once-quiet volcano.
Catastrophic People living near the volcano flee as lava and ash blankets the surrounding land.
Megacolossal People flee in terror as pyroclastic flows lash the slopes of the volcano and jets of smoke pour into the sky!
Eyjafjallajökull Catastrophic People must go far out of their way to avoid the huge plume of ash that erupts from Eyjafjallajökull.
Megacolossal Eyjafjallajökull tears open a rift in the earth, as if the goddess Hel herself were escaping from the netherworld!
Mount Kilimanjaro Gentle People and animals view the rising column of ash from Kilimanjaro from miles around, and wonder at the Earth’s fury.
Catastrophic Kilimanjaro roars, and a plume of smoke and ash jets into the sky, as people and animals flee in terror!
Mount Vesuvius Megacolossal Citizens scream in terror and flee towards safety as the pyroclastic wave crashes down the flanks of Vesuvius!


Civilization VI Disasters [edit]
Comet Strike1 2DroughtFloodForest Fire1Meteor Shower1Nuclear accidentSolar Flare1 2Storm (Blizzard • Dust Storm • Hurricane • Tornado)Volcanic eruption
1 Requires DLC2 Apocalypse mode only