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Volley is a Tier I Promotion Promotion for ranged units in Civilization VI.


+5 Ranged Strength Ranged Strength against land units.

Civilopedia entry[]

Volley fire, which saved those Redcoats more than once, dates back long before muskets; it was used by formations of archers in ancient civilizations to fire a bunch of arrows simultaneously on command, making up for the inaccuracy, slow rate of fire, and limited range of primitive bows. After the first release, usually fire was either done by ranks – as at Agincourt where English longbowmen slaughtered the French knights – or "at will." Given that most of the militia armies until the 1600s were untrained peasants, the tactic worked fairly well against equally untrained charging militia. When the musket appeared on the European battlefield, the tactic was adopted, likely first by Maurice of Nassau in 1594.

See also[]

Civilization VI Promotions [edit]
Land Advanced Rangefinding Alpine Ambush Amphibious Armor Piercing Arrow Storm Barding Battlecry Breakthrough Camouflage Caparison Charge Choke Points Commando Coursers Crew Weapons Depredation Double Envelopment Echelon Elite Guard Emplacement Escort Mobility Expert Crew Expert Marksman Forward Observers Garrison Grape Shot Guerrilla Hold the Line Incendiaries Marauding Pursuit Ranger Reactive Armor Redeploy Rout Schiltron Sentry Shells Shrapnel Spiking the Guns Spyglass Square Suppression Thrust Tortoise Urban Warfare Volley Zweihander
Naval Advanced Engines Auxiliary Ships Boarding Bombardment Coincidence Rangefinding Convoy Creeping Attack Deck Crews Embolon Flight Deck Folding Wings Hangar Deck Helmsman Homing Torpedoes Line of Battle Loot Observation Preparatory Fire Proximity Fuses Reinforced Hull Rolling Barrage Rutter Scout Planes Silent Running Supercarrier Supply Fleet Swift Keel Wolfpack
Aircraft Box Formation Close Air Support Cockpit Armor Dogfighting Drop Tanks Evasive Maneuvers Ground Crews Interceptor Long Range Strafe Superfortress Tactical Maintenance Tank Buster Torpedo Bomber
Warrior Monk Cobra Strike Dancing Crane Disciples Exploding Palms Shadow Strike Sweeping Wind Twilight Veil
Nihang1 Jangi Kara1 Jangi Mojeh1 Sanjo1 Tegh1 Trehsool Mukh1
Giant Death Robot GS-Only Drone Air Defense GS-Only Enhanced Mobility GS-Only Particle Beam Siege Cannon GS-Only Reinforced Armor Plating GS-Only
Apostle Chaplain Debater Heathen Conversion Indulgence Vendor Martyr Orator Pilgrim Proselytizer Translator
Spy Ace Driver Cat Burglar Con Artist Covert Action R&F-Only Demolitions Disguise Guerrilla Leader License to Kill R&F-Only Linguist Polygraph GS-Only Quartermaster Rocket Scientist Satchel Charges GS-Only Seduction Smear Campaign R&F-Only Surveillance GS-Only Technologist
Rock Band GS-Only Album Cover Art GS-Only Arena Rock GS-Only Glam Rock GS-Only Goes to 11 GS-Only Indie GS-Only Music Festival GS-Only Pop Star GS-Only Reggae Rock GS-Only Religious Rock GS-Only Roadies GS-Only Space Rock GS-Only Surf Band GS-Only
Soothsayer2 Incantation2 Inquisitor2 Messenger2 Plague Bearer2 Zealot2
1 Requires DLC2 Apocalypse mode only
R&F-Only Added in the Rise and Fall expansion pack.
GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.