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Game Info

Unique building of the Siamese civilization. Replaces the University.

  • +33% Science Science Science (increased to +50% with Free Thought Social policy)
  • +2 Science Science Science from Jungle tiles worked by this city
  • 2 Scientist Specialist slots
  • Allows training Archaeologists in this city
  • +3 Culture Culture Culture
  • +1 Gold Gold Gold with Sovereignty Social policy
  • +1 20xHappiness5 Happiness Happiness with Academy of Sciences Order tenet


Aside from the already important bonuses to Science Science Science that the Wat gives, it also provides Culture Culture Culture.

Historical Info

A "Wat" is a Buddhist monastery temple found in Cambodia, Thailand, or Laos. The literal translation of "wat" is "school", and indeed the Siamese wats were both places of worship and of learning. A wat consists of a temple containing statues of the Buddha, a prayer room, a room containing religious texts, a pavilion for relaxation, a library, study hall, bell towers, and living quarters. It may be a single building or a collection of structures- a town in itself. Constructed in the 12th century, the Angkor Wat in Angkor, Cambodia, is one of the largest and best-preserved wats in Southeast Asia.


  • Wat actually means temple, as well. All Thais refer to a wat as a temple in modern times.
  • In the past, people studied in wats because the only people who could teach were monks. Most other people were illiterate.