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This page contains information related to Wonders in Civilization: Beyond Earth.

National Wonders[]

Unlike global wonders, every civilization can build one of each national wonder regardless of whether or not other civilizations have built it already. All Wonders provide +5 Diplomatic Capital, with the exception of the Headquarters (+3 Diplomatic Capital) and the Spy Agency (+2 Diplomatic Capital).

Wonder Prereqs Effects Notes
Headquarters Headquarters None +4 Energy Energy
+3 Production Production
+2 Science Science
+1 Culture Culture
+6 City Defense
Located in Sponsor's Capital Capital. Automatically moved to new city if capital is captured.
Spy Agency Spy Agency Computing Allows Spy Covert Agents to be recruited. Only wonder in this table that has a cost, 200 Production Production
Culper Lodge Culper Lodge None All Recruiting Spy Covert Agents are automatically Special Agents Rewarded after performing 4 intrigue level operation

Artifact Wonders[]

The Rising Tide expansion adds the Artifact system. Several national wonders may be rewarded to players using this system. These are unlocked by combining Progenitor Artifacts.

Wonder Production
Tessellation Foundry Tessellation Foundry RT only 650 Military Units complete 30% faster
Machine-Assisted Free Will Machine-Assisted Free Will RT only[2] 800 Reduce cost of Leaf Techs by Science15%
Dimension Folding Complex Dimension Folding Complex RT only 300 Cities generate -50% Health Unhealth from population.
Quantum Politics Quantum Politics RT only 400 Increases Virtue acquisition by 20%[3]
Temporal Calculus Temporal Calculus RT only 650 +100% Unit Visibility
Relativistic Data Bank Relativistic Data Bank RT only 400 -1 Intrigue per turn in all Cities


Only one of these can be built in the entire world. If another civilizations has already built one of them, then you can't, and vice versa. Each city can hold an unlimited number of these. Wonders lost in razed cities are lost forever.

The Monomyth virtue, in the knowledge tree, provides +7 Culture Culture for every great Wonder.

All global wonders in Rising Tide by default provide 5 Diplomatic Capital Diplomatic Capital. The Pan-Asian Cooperative gets 6-8 Diplomatic Capital instead, and the first wonder constructed in each city is free.

Wonder Production
Resour Prereqs Effects Notes
Abyssal Mirror Abyssal Mirror RT only 1350 Geoscaping Orbital Units launched from this city may overlap the coverage area of other Orbital Units by 1 tile. Aquatic Only
Ansible Ansible 1650 4 Geothermal Exotic Matter Affinity XP is gained 25% faster
Archimedes Lever Archimedes Lever 1750 5 Geothermal Seismic Induction Enemy units within 2 tiles of this City suffer 10 attrition damage each turn. Land Only
Armasail Armasail 1500 5 Floatstone Synergetics City suffers 50% less damage from ranged attacks.
Benthic Auger Benthic Auger RT only 550 Servomachinery +2 Production Production from Coast terrain worked by this city Aquatic Only
Bytegeist Bytegeist 1450 2 Firaxite Swarm Intelligence Virtue Tier Synergy bonus requirements are reduced by 1.
Crawler Crawler 1250 5 Floatstone Mechatronics +25% Production Production for Buildings and Wonders. Land Only
Cynosure Cynosure 1650 4 Firaxite Synthetic Thought Gain 1 Science Science for every 3 Population Population in this City.
Daedalus Ladder Daedalus Ladder 1700 2 Geothermal Augmentation +10% Food Food
+10% Culture Culture
+10% Science Science
+10% Production Production
+10% Energy Energy
Deep Memory Deep Memory 1450 4 Firaxite Human Conservation Gain 1 Culture Culture for every 3 Population Population in this City
Drone Sphere Drone Sphere 550 1 Floatstone Swarm Robotics Worker actions and Explorer Expedition are completed 50% faster.
Ectogenesis Pod Ectogenesis Pod 400 2 Geothermal Genetic Design Gain 1 Food Food for every 4 Population Population in this City.
Euphotic Strand Euphotic Strand RT only 450 Vertical Farming +1 Science Science from Coast terrain worked by this city Aquatic Only
Faraday Gyre Faraday Gyre RT only 275 Power Systems Energy Energy Maintenance for buildings and improvements reduced by 50% in this city Aquatic Only
Gene Vault Gene Vault 250 Genetic Mapping All new Cities start with a free Worker Unit.
Guo Pu Yaolan Guo Pu Yaolan RT only 400 Cognition Culture Culture cost for new Virtues reduced by a percentage equal to this city's Population Population Aquatic Only
Holon Chamber Holon Chamber 1650 5 Floatstone Hyperconductors Gain Science Science Science income equal to 10% of global Energy Energy income. Land Only
Human Hive Human Hive 1150 2 Geothermal Euthenics City immune to Covert Operations.
Markov Eclipse Markov Eclipse 1600 4 Firaxite Transcendental Math Military Units fight at full strength even when damaged.
Mass Driver Mass Driver 950 2 Geothermal Ballistic LEV City Strike +1Range Range and +25% Strength Combat Strength at this City.
Master Control Master Control 250 Autonomous Systems Free Energy Maintenance and +1 Movement movement for Worker Units.
Memetwork Memetwork 850 2 Firaxite Orbital Networks Affinity Level requirements for Units, Buildings, and Wonders are reduced by 1.
Nanothermite Nanothermite 1400 Nanotechnology Ranged, Air, and City Strike attacks are 25% stronger.
New Terran Myth New Terran Myth 750 Human Idealism +2 Culture Culture from Int'l and Station Trade Routes
Panopticon Panopticon 250 Defense Grid All Military Units receive +1 Sight. +5 Orbital Strike Range
Precog Project Precog Project 450  2 Xenomass Collaborative Thought Military Units can achieve two additional levels of Veterancy.
Promethean Promethean 1050 Xenomass Transgenics City no longer produces Health Unhealth.
Quantum Computer Quantum Computer 1050 2 Geothermal Field Theory Free Energy Maintenance and +50% duration for Orbital Units.
Resurrection Device Resurrection Device 1350 2 Geothermal Artificial Evolution Benefits from positive Health Health Levels increased by 50%.
Stellar Codex Stellar Codex 300 Ballistics +8 Orbital Coverage
Tectonic Anvil Tectonic Anvil 1800 5 Geothermal Metamaterials +5 Production Production from Canyon Land Only.
Must be within 2 tiles of Canyon.
The Akkorokamui The Akkorokamui RT only 450 Photosystems Health Unhealth from Population Population reduced by 50% in this City. Aquatic Only
Xenodrome Xenodrome 1050 5 Xenomass Alien Ethics Provides a small positive influence to Alien opinion each turn, and negative Alien opinion recovers twice as quickly.
Xenomalleum Xenomalleum 1250 2 Xenomass Bioengineering +5 Petroleum PetroleumTitanium Titanium, and Geothermal Geothermal resources.
Xenonova Xenonova 1150 4 Xenomass Alien Materials Penalties from negative Health Unhealth Levels reduced by 50%.


Projects take up a plot of land. A hex within an extended range of the city building it (6 hexes) is used up. Any improvements or resources on said hex are destroyed to make room for the wonder in question. These are typically related to victory conditions. They have HP and can be destroyed by enemies.

Wonder Victory Condition Description
Emancipation Gate Emancipation Gate Emancipation Supremacy How Supremacy Supremacy Colonists must send military units back to Earth and drag human kind into immortality.
Exodus Gate Exodus Gate Promised Land Purity How Purity Purity colonists receive colonists from their sponsor on the home world in order to save Earth from total self-destruction.
Mind Flower Mind Flower Transcendence Harmony How Harmony Harmony colonists link all beings with functioning brains across the planet into a single massive super-organism. It takes 20 turns to do so and will aggro all the aliens for the duration, so make sure its well protected.
Transcendental Equation Transcendental Equation Contact Allows colonists to piece together fragments and reconstruct The Signal.
Decode Signal Decode Signal How the colonists determine how to translate the Progenitor language and determine where the Signal is being broadcast from in space.
Beacon Beacon How colonists contact the Progenitors in Deep Space and bring mankind into a new age of galactic understanding. Leads to the contact victory.

Gallery of Projects[]

Wonders Tech Tree[]

See also[]


  1. The orignal costs for all artifact wonders was 100 Production Production. This was changed in the October 2015 patch
  2. The pre October 2015 patch version of Machine-Assisted Free Will made all technologies cost 30% less Science Science
  3. The pre October 2015 patch version of Quantum Politics increased virtue acquistion by 100%
  4. In addition to the Rising Tide wonders, the chart reflects wonders post the Winter (March) 2015 patch. While the costs for most wonders were increased, the benefits of most of them were enhanced.
RT only Introduced in the Rising Tide expansion pack.
Civilization: Beyond Earth [Edit]
Games: Base Beyond EarthRising TideStarships
RT only Introduced in the Rising Tide expansion pack.
  • † Spin off game based in the same fictional universe