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Workers can stack on a single tile, and all work on the same task, completing it much faster than a single Worker.

Building a Worker[]

A city that builds a Worker loses one citizen from its population.

Worker Jobs[]

Workers can improve the countryside to make it more productive, by changing Terrain and building Improvements. The efficiency of a Worker (how quickly it works) depends upon its government type.

Captured Workers from foreign civilizations work half as fast compared to native Workers.

Joining a City[]

A Worker may also be used to increase the population of an existing city; when the Worker is active on a city, click the "Join City" button. The Worker disappears and the city's population gains one citizen. If the Worker was a foreign Worker that was captured, the new citizen's nationality will be of whatever civilization they were captured from. Your own Workers may be captured and used by rival civilizations.

Civilopedia entry[]

In primitive, hunter-gatherer cultures, there was no division of labor. But every civilization since has had a worker "class," devoted to the production of goods and the unskilled tasks necessary for the maintenance of society. In most early societies, slaves and peasants fulfilled this role. With the coming of the Middle Ages, the more specialized workers organized themselves into craft guilds. The technological advances of the Industrial Age gave rise to a new class of semi-skilled workers: wage laborers, most of which worked in factories and offices. Continuing trends in the specialization and professionalism of labor during the late 20th century has not altered the fact, however, that civilization still rests upon the shoulders of those who till the fields and build the roads.


See also[]

Civilization III Units [edit]
Land Ancient CavalryCArcher (BowmanJavelin ThrowerC) • ArmyArtilleryCannon (HwachaP) • CatapultCavalry (CossackHussarC2SipahiP) • Chariot (Three-Man ChariotCWar Chariot) • Cruise MissileCrusaderCExplorer (ConquistadorP) • FlakCGuerillaPHorseman (Mounted Warrior) • ICBMInfantryKnight (Ansar WarriorPKeshikPRiderSamuraiWar Elephant) • LeaderLongbowman (BerserkP) • MarineMech InfantryMedieval InfantryPMobile SAMCModern ArmorModern ParatrooperMusketman (Musketeer) • ParatrooperCPikeman (Swiss MercenaryC) • PrincessP1Radar ArtilleryRiflemanScout (Chasqui ScoutC) • SettlerSpearman (HopliteImpiNumidian MercenaryP) • Swordsman (Gallic SwordsmanPImmortalsLegionary) • Tactical NukeTank (Panzer) • TOW InfantryCTrebuchetCWarrior (Enkidu WarriorCJaguar Warrior) • Worker
Sea AEGIS CruiserBattleshipCaravel (CarrackC) • CarrierCruiserCCurraghCDestroyerFrigate (Man-O-War) • GalleonGalley (DromonC) • IroncladNuclear SubmarinePrivateerSubmarineTransport
Air BomberFighterHelicopterJet Fighter (F-15) • Stealth BomberStealth Fighter
KingP1 AbuP1AlexanderP1BismarckP1BrennusP1CaesarP1CatherineP1Charles VC12CleopatraP1ElizabethP1GandhiP1GilgameshC1HammurabiP1HannibalP1HenryC1HiawathaP1IsabellaP1Joan d'ArcP1LincolnP1MaoP1MontezumaP1MursilisC1OsmanP1PachacutiC1RagnarP1ShakaP1Smoke-JaguarC1TemujinP1TheodoraC1TokugawaP1Wang KonP1William of OrangeC1XerxesP1
P Added in the Play the World expansion pack • C Added in the Conquests expansion pack • 1 Game mode only • 2 Сut from the game