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Xenomass Well
Xenomass Well (CivBE)

Tile improvement in Beyond Earth

Maintenance 2 Energy Energy
Required technology Alien Sciences
Yields None
Notes Tile Improvement buildable by Worker units on Xenomass Xenomass resources.

Adds the XenomassXenomass quantity to your global total.

Xenomass Well is a Tile Improvement that requires the research of Alien Sciences.  It is buildable by workers on deposits of Xenomass and provides the underlying quantity of the Xenomass strategic resource, as well as yields +2 Food Food.  An interesting note about Xenomass Wells is that building them does not require removing forest from the tile.

Technology: Alien Sciences

Yields: +2 Food Food

Maintenance: 2 Energy Energy

Technology Upgrades:

Civilopedia entry

Through the use of Wells, colonies can harness the naturally produced Energy of their new world. While Petroleum still exists, it is the new resources which ensure dry-land drilling remains an important part of human industry. When built on dry-land, Wells can provide access to much needed Geothermal and Xenomass resources.

