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簡介[ | ]

 科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值 文明帝國V中代表著你文明的研究實力。和 文化值Icon (文明5) 文化值或是 信仰值Icon (文明5) 信仰值不同的是,科技值只有一個用途,那便是用來獲取新的科技。唯有透過科技值來獲取新的科技,才能使你的文明可以建造新的建築改良設施、 獲取新的資源、和製造幾乎遊戲中所有的東西。並且還能透過科技來升級你的軍隊,讓你的軍隊在作戰上更有效率。最後,當然,還能讓你達成這個遊戲的終極目標之一,科技勝利

科技機制[ | ]

和大多數的文明帝國系列作相同, 你的科技發展速度取決於你的科技值。這些科技值是由多種因素合計加總而成。在你的回合中,你可自可研究的科技中選取想要的來進行研究,並可以在任何時候更改(即便更改後,也不會損失原有的研究進度)。研發一項新的科技需要透過多回合來累計一定量的科技值,而每回合所投入的科技值則會隨著科技樹的攀升、難度的提升和所持有的城市數量而增加。除此之外,在科技樹中每個科技都有其前置科技須研發。只有 製陶畜牧弓術採礦這四項科技不需要任何前置科技,為遊戲一開始即可研發。*



科技樹與時代[ | ]


科技樹也依照了時代來做區分,從遠古時代 開始,並以資訊時代作結。這些時代不論是從史實或是遊戲內的觀點,皆代表了一個文明的發展程度。Each era includes a number of technologies, divided in two tiers; all techs in certain tier require roughly the same amount of SPs, and the general amount of SP progresses gradually from left to right. Those of Tier 2 (the rightmost tier) are almost always connected to Tier 1 (the leftmost tier). In other words, techs of Tier 1 of a certain era are almost always prerequisites for Tier 2 techs of the same era. There are notable exceptions, however, and in many cases you may leap tiers to progress faster to the next era.

每個文明皆會從遠古時代開始(除非你自訂遊戲的開始年代)。為了達到下一個時代,你必須研發當前時代的所有科技,或是研發單一項下一個時代的科技。你所在的文明會決定遊戲中的某些因素,例如來自友好城邦的 文化值Icon (文明5) 文化值與 信仰值Icon (文明5) 信仰值或是可採行的社會政策


查看科技清單,詳見 這裡.

生產科技值[ | ]

人口與建築[ | ]

遊戲中最主要的科技值來源為你的城市人口。你國家中,每座城市的每個 市民Icon (文明5) 市民可自動貢獻1科技值(即便是傀儡城市)。而另一方面,每座城市(即便是傀儡城市)會增加你研發每個科技所需的科技值5%!因此,想要最大化你研發科技的速度,就需要保持最小的國家規模,但擁有大量的人口。而坐擁巨大的國家規模,且城市皆有大量人口,則是最理想狀態。

科技值的第二項來源為建築,然而,這些建築提供的加成量通常仍舊是以所在城市的人口作為基礎,所以人口還是十分重要!舉例來說,圖書館在市民為20 市民Icon (文明5) 市民+10科技值,在6 市民Icon (文明5) 市民的城市+3科技值。特定的奇跡也會直接提供科技或會於科技有所加成。這些建築如下所示:

建築 年代 科技 需求
圖書館 圖書館 遠古時代 每2位 市民Icon (文明5) 市民+1 科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值 書寫
大學 大學 中古時代 +33%  科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值,該城市開發的+2 科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值 教育制度,並需要已漸成圖書館造紙作坊,或 皇家圖書館
天文臺 天文臺 文藝復興時代 +50%  科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值 天文學,城市必須依 山嶽而建。
公立學校 公立學校 工業時代 +3  科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值,每2位 市民Icon (文明5) 市民+1 科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值 科學理論,需要已建設大學 or 僧院
研發實驗室 研發實驗室 現代 +4  科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值,+50%  科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值 塑膠,需已建成公立學校


奇跡 科技值 需求
大圖書館 大圖書館 +3  科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值,無償提供一項科技,並為所在城市提供一座圖書館 書寫
國立學院 國立學院 +3  科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值,+50%  科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值 每座城市皆需建城圖書館
大報恩寺塔 大報恩寺塔 從研究協定中獲得的 科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值增加50%。 建築學


牛津大學 牛津大學 +3  科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值,並無償提供一項科技。 教育制度


科學家[ | ]

一些科技相關的建築內有大科學家席位。只派{{Icon5S|市民|1}其席位可為該城市提供+3 科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值。

地形[ | ]

一般來說,地形並不影響 科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值的出產。唯一會影響科技值出產的單元格是叢林,但也只有在建有大學的城市領土內才會影響。(這代表遊戲前期不會有單元格會對科技值造成影響。)

許多國家奇跡 會出產 科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值,在其他影響來源出現前為你提供而外科技值,會在前期遊戲中會為你的文明帶來極大的好處。

最後,學院會為單元格提供大量的 科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值,也是遊戲前期非常有幫助的科技值來源之一。(後期亦然——因為學院提供的科技值會因為特定科技而增加。).


功能 加成
學院 學院 +8 科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值,研發科學理論後+10 科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值,研發原子理論後+12 科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值, +16 科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值在採自由政策中的新政後。
交易站 交易站 採用理性政策中的思想自由後+1 科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值。
叢林 叢林 當城市建成大學後+2 科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值。

其他科技值來源[ | ]


  • BNW-only 和其他文明建立trade routes,每條商路皆會產生科技值,而產生的量則由其他文明已發明而你未發明的科技數目而定。
  • 透過大科學家的特殊能力。而透過此方式得到的科技值,則由身處的時代而定。
  • 透過和其他文明簽署研究協定。Again, this contributes a fixed number of SPs towards your current research effort. Note that if you earn more than enough points to finish researching the current tech, the extra points are automatically applied to the next technology in your queue, or another random technology available for research if you do not have one queued up. The same is valid for the Great Scientist.


  • 透過間諜從其他文明竊取科技。記住你只能竊取其他文明已研發,而你尚未研發的(包含你已解鎖或是正在研發中的)。
  • 建造特定的世界奇跡。
  • 採用全部的理性政策

以下的社會政策與意識形態皆會提高  科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值出產:


政策 分支/意識形態 時代 需求 影響
Template:社會政策5 Patronage Medieval era Philanthropy City-states provide 25% of their  科技值Icon (文明5) Science to you
Template:SocialPolicy5 Rationalism Renaissance era none +2  科技值Icon (文明5) Science for every specialist
Template:SocialPolicy5 Rationalism Renaissance era Secularism +17%  科技值Icon (文明5) Science to Universities, +1  科技值Icon (文明5) for Trading Posts
Template:SocialPolicy5 Rationalism Renaissance era Free Thought Boosts  科技值Icon (文明5) Science gained from Research Agreements by +50%
Worker's Faculties Order Industrial era Two level 1 Order Tenets +25%  科技值Icon (文明5) Science to Factories
Industrial Espionage Autocracy Industrial era none Spy tech stealing rate +50%


  • 採用理性政策後,若文明 幸福度Icon (文明5) 處於正值 +15%  科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值(BNW-only+10%  科技值Icon (文明5) 科技值).
  • 採用所有的理性政策後可無償獲得2項科技 (BNW-only則無償獲得1項)
  • Completing Order gives you +2  科技值Icon (文明5) Science in every city (in vanilla and GodsKings5 clear).
  • Completing the Freedom policy tree doubles production from Great Person tile improvements, including the Academy (in vanilla and GodsKings5 clear).
    • BNW-only This effect is transferred to the New Deal Freedom Tenet.

轉換成科技值[ | ]

After researching Education, your cities gain the ability to convert 25% of their current  生產力Icon (文明5) Production into  科技值Icon (文明5) Science. Just assign this ability in the Production function of a city, and it will start producing science, adding points each turn according to its production potential!

Additionally, note that all  科技值Icon (文明5) Science production in Puppet Cities suffers a 25% penalty.

策略[ | ]

As mentioned above, scientific progress is vital for your empire, especially on higher difficulties, even if you don't pursue a scientific victory. Good technological progress allows your army to gain an edge thanks to superior military tech; it gives you higher chances at completing Wonders because it allows you early access to them (and as we know, Wonders are completed on a "first build-first serve" basis), and it unlocks all buildings necessary for the other types of victory.

Science depends first on  人口Icon (文明5) Population, and then on buildings, most of which base their bonuses also on population. So, having a large population is a key to producing lots of  科技值Icon (文明5) Science.

Use every opportunity to extract science from terrain - if you have lots of jungle tiles nearby, DON'T CUT THEM DOWN, unless you absolutely must! Each one will boost  科技值Icon (文明5) Science as soon as you build a University in the city controlling it. Also, when you gain a Great Scientist, build its tile improvement - the Academy. And search for those Natural Wonders that produce  科技值Icon (文明5) Science, and try to build a city nearby!

Technological progression is paramount for everybody in the game; but just as important as producing the  科技值Icon (文明5) Science is how you use that science, or rather (since science only has one use - discovering technologies) in what order you discover your technologies. You should have a strategy for that, based on your current development strategy, the current circumstances of your empire (being low on  金幣Icon (文明5) Gold,  文化值Icon (文明5) Culture, or another commodity, or being threatened by a neighbor), and finally on the type of victory you're striving for.

A very important technique you need to master, if you want to be successful, is leapfrogging techs. Because of the way the tech tree works, you are actually able to move up the tree without researching every single technology! This may be used to gain early access to the benefits of a key tech, including the ability to construct certain World Wonders ahead of the competition. To achieve that, check the tech you want in the tree, then follow back the lines that connect to its left side - they will lead you to the immediate prerequisites for the technology. Repeat that for these techs too, until you establish the necessary path to your current tech state. Then work consistently towards the target tech, leapfrogging the others along the way. Afterwards, go back and research what you skipped. (It's not advisable to leave big technological gaps in your tree, as this will almost certainly backfire at an inopportune moment.) A sign of the importance of this technique is that the computer AI always uses it, especially in the beginning of the game.

Science is practically required for 2 of the 4 victory conditions: Science Victory and Diplomatic Victory. For the first you'll need to build a Spaceship, and its 4 parts are unlocked via 4 of the last technologies in the Information Era (or Future Era in vanilla Civilization V) era. For more info on this type of victory, see Science victory.

In the second case, there is a Wonder needed to trigger voting for a World Leader: the United Nations. This wonder is unlocked by the Globalization technology, which is also one of the last in the last era. Although, its prerequisites allow you to rush to it by skipping a good deal of the Atomic Era and Information Era technologies. Without this Wonder, it's impossible to win a Diplomatic victory (the voting will never start), and the others won't probably build it, if they see you have large influence with city-states.

Note that the United Nations isn't a Wonder anymore in the Brave New World expansion pack, but develops automatically from the World Congress, so the above isn't valid - you won't need that much science for a diplomatic victory. Still, the Globalization technology remains extremely valuable for winning this type of victory - rush straight to it!

Finally, for a Domination victory, you'll need a competitive army, capable of defeating all other civilizations. Again, late-game military technologies will be required for that.

* In fact, they DO have a prerequisite: the Agriculture technology. But the discovery of this tech is the very basis of civilization, the one requirement for a barbarian tribe to advance to this new status, so we consider that every civilization starts with Agriculture already researched.




遠古古典中古文藝復興工業現代未來† • 核子‡ • 資訊


城邦文化值間諜‡ • 食物金幣偉人幸福度生產力宗教‡ • 科技旅遊業績



原版限定內容;‡ 眾神與諸王美麗新世界限定內容

